The Walking Dead Review: Exquisite Corpses

Are you team vampire or team zombie? It’s easy to see why vampires have a pop-culture edge. They clean up better for photo shoots. They embody sex — all that sharing of fluids — not decay. They are refined, orderly, even courtly. Zombies tend to be poor conversationalists.

But when it comes to bringing actual horror, it’s no contest. A vampire will nibble your neck, but zombies will take down your entire civilization. (Ever pragmatic, bloodsuckers prefer to keep their food supply sustainable.) The zombie apocalypse is the premise and setting of AMC’s new series The Walking Dead (Sundays, 10 p.m. E.T.; premieres Halloween night). And judging by the first two episodes of its six-episode debut season, the scariest part of the series is not what the animated corpses do but what the surviving humans are driven to do.


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