REVOK News: Reasons For His Arrest And How To Support Him

The Real Reason Revok Was Arrested

Melrose & Fairfax posted a very interesting article. The “Revok-Case” is pretty weird with him being arrested only a week after “Art in the streets” opened at MOCA and the high bail amount, etc. so I wouldn’t be surprised if their accusations against the LAPD are true.

The trumped up charges against Revok have reeked of suspicion ever since his arrest. From nabbing Revok in the first place for a parole violation and not a new crime, to the exorbitant $320,000 bail, to be sentenced to half a year in jail a day after the arrest, the whole thing seemed like there was something bigger going on.

The LAPD were clearly looking for someone to make an example of doing graffiti outside MOCA. But when they hadn’t made an arrest on the streets after the first week, they wanted a high profile name to take down. There was probably a short list of high profile arrests, so short, there was probably only one name on it–Revok.
Read more after the jump!
We think that the real reason that the LAPD went after Revok so viciously and in such an aggressive manner is because Revok has fought back against police brutality by posting stories of police abuse on his website, like this one describing how the cop (pictured above) had eventually been fired for raping a woman while on duty, but no charges have been pressed against him. And the woman was further abused by the system. More…


Help Raise Money For Revok’s Legal Defense Fund


Known Gallery X ASKEW X 1xRun Print

Artist ASKEW from beautiful New Zealand, Known Gallery and 1xRun are releasing a print to raise money for Revok’s defence fund.
Someone on Twitter asked the other day why Revok would need money for his defense when he already was sentenced. You can find more information about that in ASKEW’s great message on Known Gallery’s Blog:

It saddens me that today I know my friend has been dragged into the system – a system that fears what he represents to others and as a result he is subject to being made an example of to deter others. In the midst of Los Angeles’ current climate, with a war waged on art in public space that is excessive to say the least I also feel that Revok has become a symbol for the city and law enforcements anger. The danger of this is the way it can skew the course of true justice and the basic right to a fair and objective treatment within the system.

Those that know the entire story know what I am talking about. The lengths that law enforcement, particularly the LA County Sheriffs Department have gone to harass Revok over the past 3 years. The amount of energy and resources that have gone into pursuing and convicting him could only be justified if what I am saying is correct. Revok has transcended beyond being just another person doing graffiti to become a leader and a major influence on writers the world over. There is significant power in that – he has become a symbol and the powers that be seek to destroy that.

My fears for my friend is that although he has been sentenced that it’s not over. Now that he is trapped within the system they could potentially seek to charge him with more – a fact alluded to in yesterday’s news reports. This is a tactic often employed by law enforcement – to make defending yourself a financially exhaustive scenario, not to mention with significant restrictions of communication being that he is already incarcerated. It is not cheap to defend yourself in the US legal system and with no means to earn money while locked up this a very real concern. More…

Read the entire message and get more info on how to purchase the print HERE!

The Seventh Letter’s “Free Revok” Shirt

The Seventh Letter’s SEVER designed this T-Shirt for Revok’s defense fund. It looks great and you should all buy one, wear it and visit the LAPD. 😉 You can purchase it here.

Charlie Edmiston’s Print

A good friend and world-renowned artist Revok, was arrested last week and sentenced to 180 days in jail for “vandalism”. This print is of a photo I shot of him a while back and was done in hopes to raise some money for his case. 100% of the proceeds will be donated to Revok’s legal fund.

– Charlie Edmiston

Wow, isn’t that an amazing photo? Buy the print here.

If you want to be updated about all things going on with Revok I suggest you follow Known Gallery on Twitter (@KnownGallery) or/and read their blog !

1 Reply to "REVOK News: Reasons For His Arrest And How To Support Him"

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    ShawNshawN 29. April 2011 (5:33)

    Interesting parallels between Ai Weiwei and Revok. Once he crossed the line of simple graffiti to talking about police violence and corruption he landed straight in jail. Sad that our justice system is copying a dictatorship.


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