Join the “Power The World” Twitter Flash Mob!

First of all, this goes out to ALL my readers, not just Linkin Park fans. I know that, as Linkin Park is involved with the “Power the World” campaign, it’s probably mostly their fans that will respond to this, but I really hope that also non-Linkin Park fans would help to raise awareness!

The United Nations announced this week that they would team up with Linkin Park to provide electricity to the 2.6 billion people that have no or only limited access to electricity. In order to heat their homes, cook for their children etc. many of them have to use dung, kerosene, petroleum and other substances which may present a health risk.
One of the aims of the new “Power the World” campaign is to raise awareness. You might have noticed that I’ve started a series of articles all dealing with this issue during my “Power the World” week.
Another way to reach this aim is, of course, to get #PowertheWorld trending on Twitter. As this is most successful if many people tweet this at the same time, I’ve decided to organize a little flash mob!

Date and Time:

The flash mob starts tomorrow (Saturday, November 12) at:

11am (CST) USA
12am (EST) USA
5pm (GMT) UK
6pm (CET/MEZ) Central Europe (Germany)
7pm (EET) (Greece)
2am (JST) (Sunday: Japan)
4am (AEDT)(Sunday: Australia)

1. I couldn’t include every single country in this list, but I guess the list is an orientation, so that you can calculate the time for yourself
2. I know that the time is quite late/early for Japan and Australia, but firstly, this time includes the most countries, and secondly, we count on you to join us as soon as you’ve woken up.
3. Please share this information on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, LPN, the Linkin Park fansites (LPL, LPT, LPA, MSC, LL, CBN, etc.)

What to do:

The main task is to include #PowerTheWorld in as many tweets as you can! There are several tricks how you can be most effective:

1. Create several fake accounts on Twitter. This is really easy, all you need is another E-Mail adress and then you can just use your fake account to tweet like crazy.

2. You help the cause even more if you tweet useful information like Links, Articles or videos in order to educate your followers about the issue. Here are a few examples:

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