Die Sache mit den Selfies: Leben oder Posen?
[:de]Selfies sind mittlerweile ein Teil unserer Social Media Existenz. Wir, bzw. viele von uns (ich auch ;-D) machen sie mittlerweile ständig und überall: vom Wohnzimmer bis zur Konzerthalle. Selfies werden oft als oberflächlich und Exzess der Selbstdarstellung verteufelt, doch nicht alle sind so. Ich persönlich mache gerne Selfies, weil ich es mag mit der Kamera zu spielen, versuche dabei aber auch, mich selbst etwas auf den Arm zu nehmen. Schließlich sind diese Selfies doch auch irgendwie armselig: man hat nichts besseres zu tun, als ein Foto von sich selbst zu machen? Ähm...ja, traurig.
Ein weiterer Aspekt ist die Verfremdung der Bilder. Filter und die Wahl der Perpektive sind noch harmlose Werkzeuge, um sich selbst ins beste Licht zu rücken. Richtig hart wird es, wenn ordentlich retouchiert wird. Ist es nicht furchtbar, wenn man eine Person trifft und merkt, dass sie komplett anders aussieht, als auf ihrem Facebook-Profilbild?...
SoundCloud Hopes Its Slick Redesign Will ‘Unmute the Web’

Ljung (left) and Wahlforss demonstrate the new SoundCloud features at the company's San Francisco office.
Photos: Jon Snyder/Wired
SAN FRANCISCO — SoundCloud, the online music-streaming platform and de facto music label for independent artists trying to share their tunes efficiently, announced a complete redesign of its service Wednesday, in what the Berlin-based company called an attempt to “unmute the web.”
The new version of SoundCloud, which the company called “The Next SoundCloud” and launched in private beta Wednesday, offers four new or improved features to the online music platform. Those include a sleeker player (improving on SoundCloud’s signature waveform design), the ability to play sounds continuously and navigate away from a particular track to continue searching the site without the audio stopping, improved search algorithms and tools, and the ability to repost audio in a way very similar to the “reblog” feature on Tumblr.
The improvements, SoundCloud co-founder and CEO Alexander Ljung said, were an attempt to make the web more audio-friendly.
Video: The Evolution of Music Online
As the 90s came to a close, the business of music began to change profoundly. New technology allowed artists to record and produce their own music and music videos, and the internet became a free-for-all distribution platform for musicians to promote themselves to audiences across the world. The result was a massive influx of artists onto the cultural scene, and audiences were left wondering how to sort through them all. In this episode we discuss these changes, and reveal how music blogs and websites have arisen as the new arbiters of quality.
Jon Cohen, Co-Founder, FADER Label
Ryan Dombal, Senior Editor, Pitchfork
Blake Whitman, VP of Creative Development, Vimeo
Anthony Volodkin, Founder, Hype Machine
OutListen’s Crowdsourced Concert Videos: A New Music Format

OutListen aims to pair fan videos with soundboard audio to create crowdsourced concert videos. Image modified from OutListen.com
Attending a show is different now. Everybody’s holding up a cellphone shooting video instead of watching and listening. This doesn’t have to be a 100-percent bad thing, however.
A startup called OutListen intends to turn this sow’s ear into a silk purse by encouraging concertgoers to upload their smartphone footage to an online calendar. If enough people upload footage from the same show, OutListen will cobble it all together by syncing the audio waveforms (clever), so that the band (or more likely their “people”) can add the high-quality audio track they hopefully remembered to record at the show, and then release the result as a new type of music product: the crowdsourced concert video.