Mike posted a recap of yesterday's big Listening Party on Twitter. Make sure to check out the ...
Yay, LIVING THINGS is here! The album is great, in case you were wondering, and you can find a ...
Fan Review: Linkin Park at Orange Warsaw Festival By @ChestersArmy

Let me apologize to begin with, let me apologize for what I’m about to say, but I have to write something more than just a review, something more than just how AMAZING LINKIN PARK concert was.
The first thing is that it was my first concert ever, I wasn’t sure what I should expect from other fans, what I should take with me, how long will I be waiting before the concert and how it will look like during the show. I won’t lie, I was a little bit scared. I do not have any friends in the real world that listen to LINKIN PARK so I went there with my friend that just wanted to see how it is on a concert. And it was not a good idea, I hoped that she’ll become a fan after this wonderful night but all in all I lost a chance to see everything good and touch them:(
OK. Let’s start. Since the concert in 2007 in Chorzow, which Chester thinks was a year earlier and he definitely didn’t hear us screaming a correct date, all Polish fans were waiting for LINKIN PARK to come to us. We knew that no matter what they would sing, how long the show would last it would be GREAT to see them. We wanted to show them our unconditional LOVE and that we can have fun just like fans from other countries. And this year it happened. When we found out that LINKIN PARK will perform during Orange Warsaw Festival we all wanted to be there. On the beginning there was no information from the organizator about artists, apart from LP concert, during the whole festival and there were no tickets after about 2 weeks. WOW. It proves who was the biggest star among all OWF artists this day. We had big plans, we wanted to do a lot to make the band come to us more often, but I am not sure if we did this. Do they really know how much we love them? Hmmm…
Fan Review: Linkin Park in Romania By Mirjana
Adie: Mirijana was so nice to send me this short but sweet report of the Linkin Park concert in Bucharest/Romania. Thanks for that!
After a 13 hours long trip we finally got there. We had tickets for the Golden Ring. As my friends and I wanted to be in 1st row we had to stand in crowd and wait for the doors to open.
At first it was raining,but no one cared. Luckily,the sun came up after few minutes. When they opened the door we all started to run as fast as we could. Few seconds later I was there - in the 1st row, at my 1st LP show. What I felt cannot be described with words. ...