EDIT: Unlimited voting starting NOW!!!!
It’s time to start the next round of our art competition: the voting! Also, now you can finally see all the submissions sent to me during the last month from artists all over the world! We have artists from Brazil, France, the USA, Germany etc. competing for a “Special Art Post”. Thanks to all the artists who submitted their work. I didn’t expect such a great response and I’m so stoked that we have oil paintings, illustrations, toys, sculptures, digital art, drawings and even art on a guitar in this competition!
-> Last day for the voting is April 30.
-> You can vote ONE time for THREE artists!
-> The “Special Art Post” of the winner will be online sometimes during the first two weeks of May. I still need some time for research.
In addition to posting the Poll and the link to the art work in this post, I also added the new section “AdieK84’s Art Competition” to the sidebar with the Poll and the link to the contestants submissions. Don’t forget to spread the word! 🙂
Enough with the talking, here comes the art:
5 Replies to "Very Special Art Competition Phase 2: The Voting"
lpfangrl 1. April 2011 (14:35)
Wow. There are ALOT of good pieces in here. It’s hard to pick just 3.
adiek84 1. April 2011 (14:48)
Yes, it’s kinda sad that only one artist is gonna win. Of course, now I know all your names, so I might check up on your work, projects, etc. later. 😉
lpfangrl 1. April 2011 (19:07)
Actually, I’ve posted some of my drawings on my blog. Feel free to go check them out and comment and tell me what you think 🙂
adiek84 2. April 2011 (23:56)
I’ll do that after the contest. During the voting I try to stay as neutral as possible XD
Meg Graham 17. April 2011 (2:11)