Racism 6 results

Toni Morrison Receives Presidential Medal of Freedom – Meet my Favourite Author!

Toni Morrison, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1993, is probably one of the most influential ...

Racism is Fun? – Why Rick Perry’s flirtation with birtherism is racist

Earlier this week, Rick Perry said, “It’s fun to poke at [Obama] a little bit and say, ‘Hey, let’s see your grades and your birth certificate.’” And why shouldn’t he find birtherism fun? Racism is supposed to be fun for white people who choose to engage in it. I mean, it’s gotta be fun to be powerful and dominant and flaunt white privilege. Right? In a country where lynchings once doubled an occasion for barbeques — the strangling and perhaps burning of a Black body as the central performance act at a pleasant Southern picnic — why shouldn’t racism be fun for white people? ...

Black Couple Shocked After Having A White Baby

Black and white family: Francis and Arlette with Seth and Daniel
A black couple told yesterday of their shock and mystification when their son was born with white skin and blond hair. Francis Tshibangu admitted: ‘My first thought was “Wow, is he really mine?”.’ He and his wife Arlette already have a two-year-old boy, Seth, whose features reflect his African parentage. But it is thought that baby Daniel, now 11 weeks old, has a slight genetic mutation. He is not an albino. Congo-born Mr Tshibangu, 28, said his ‘jaw dropped open’ when Daniel arrived at Leicester Royal Infirmary. ‘I was too stunned to speak and I could see the doctors looking at each other, thinking the baby couldn’t be mine. ‘Then Arlette and I looked at each other and smiled and I knew he was. I have been with my wife for three years and there was never a question of infidelity, but seeing his white skin was a surprise to say the least.’ ...

Racism on Ivy League Campus and by Alum Donald Trump Cut From Same Ugly Cloth

Black in White by Luke Chueh

Recently I've been thinking a lot about Barack Obama, Donald Trump... and Christopher Abreu. OK, Trump and Obama you probably know about. But who's Christopher Abreu? He's a senior at the University of Pennsylvania, about to graduate this spring with honors. But last week, he wrote an op-ed in the Daily Pennsylvanian newspaper in which he made disturbing allegations about a late night incident on the West Philadelphia campus. "I was heading home at 2 a.m.," he wrote, "which meant that students were stumbling out of bars and making their way back home as well." He says a drunk student asked, "Where can I get some fried chicken?... You look like someone who knows where you can get fried chicken." Abreu writes that he suggested they "try Wawa if you're hungry." The white student yelled out to his friends, "I'm gonna go get some fried chicken! This n----- just told me where it's at!" If those words weren't chilling enough, they remind me of something that one of the school's most famous alumni, billionaire Donald Trump, who received an undergraduate degree from Penn's Wharton School in 1968, also said this spring....

Poll: Nation No Closer to King’s Dream

MLK (ATLANTA) — Despite having their first black president, Americans are no more certain than before that the country is closer to the racial equality preached by Martin Luther King Jr., a poll shows. Seventy-seven percent of people interviewed in an AP-GfK poll say there has been significant progress toward King's dream, about the same as the 75 percent who felt that way in 2006, before Obama was elected. Just over one in five, 22 percent, say they feel there has been "no significant progress" toward that dream. "The exuberance and thrill of seeing an African American elected to the presidency has been tempered by the outrageous claims that we've heard about him," said William Jelani Cobb, a history professor at Rutgers University. ...