Interview with Wild Party: “Who Wouldn’t Wanna Go To a Wild Party?”

Wild Party bassist Ethan Kaufmann recently answered some questions about his band’s musical influences, touring and their new album Phantom Pop.

Originally published on

AltWire [Melissa Wilke]: How did you guys meet and get together as a band?

Ethan Kaufmann [Wild Party]: I met Lincoln and Lucas through Lincoln’s older brother Jake. He had sent me a really rough demo of a song they had started. All the parts were really cool and I thought it would be fun to work on. We ended up getting together and working on music for the next year or so. When it came time to play live, I used to be in a band with Cary. I knew he was a great drummer… So I thought he’d be the perfect fit!

AW: The name of your band sounds very promising! Is there a special story about what inspired it?

EK: There’s definitely a touch of sarcasm in the name, but I think it just boils down to who wouldn’t wanna go to a wild party? Right? Right?!

AW: It’s impossible to imagine, but some of our readers might not know you yet. Can you describe your music in three sentences?

EK: I’ll do you one better than three sentences and give you three words. Indie. Power. Pop.

AW: You worked on your current album Phantom Pop for five years. Why did it take so long? Do you have a lot of demos left for a few more albums?

EK: It was a situation of us finding the right people to work with. We had a manager for a while that ended up being too busy to handle all of it. We found the right people eventually and just put our plan in motion.

AW: Do you have a favorite song on the album?

This interview was conducted for Please go there to read the rest…

Photo Credit: Jade Ehlers

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