One year ago, I’ve read something really interesting on Mike Shinoda’s blog and wanted to comment it. In order to do so I had to register at WordPress, and when I was asked if I just wanted an account or a blog as well, I just thought:”Okay, why not.” I didn’t really think about the blog’s content or its promotion, so I just typed in my internet user name “AdieK84”, inspired by the character Adie Klarpol in Richard Power’s book “Plowing the Dark”, when I was asked to chose a name for my blog. If I had known that my blog would get so big during the next year, I’d probably have chosen something really cool, but now we’re stuck with “AdieK84’s Blog”…=D
Before that, I’ve never even thought about having my own blog, but immediately after registering I started playing around with the blog editor and had so much fun blogging all the cool stuff I’ve found online.
One year and 64,395 hits later I can say that getting the blog was one of the best things happening to me in the past year. Not only is it fun to blog about art, music, relief efforts, etc….., but I’ve also met tons of great people online, among them visual artists, gallery owners, musicians, fellow Linkin Park fans and other great people from all over the world.
So thanks for sticking with me! 🙂
Special thanks to my great co-author Antigoni, Eze Aerosolz for making my logo for free, and everyone who contributed to this blog with reviews, art, etc.
I want to share a video that really made me think about the whole blogging thing, and about what content I should post here. Eventually I’ve decided that the blog should just mirror my interests and personality, so that I just posted whatever struck me as interesting.
The video was still decoding when I’ve posted it, but I hope it’s done when you’re reading this…
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