Entrepreneuse, Food Connaisseuse, model, and aspiring artist, Heidi Woan blogs about the trials and tribulations in her daily life, recommends restaurants and posts many great pictures of anything that she’s ever ingested. Oh, and she’s pretty funny, too!
Currently she’s working for Mobi Munch, “the nation’s first mobile food service infrastructure company and online marketing channel dedicated to providing established chefs and restaurateurs an integrated online and offline platform for launching innovative restaurant concepts aboard state-of-the-art food trucks” (More info here).
Here is a little taste of her blogging:
How Wakasaya Are You?
Wakasaya–a Japanese chirashi rice bowl chain scattered throughout Japan with the exception of two locations in Los Angeles. Awhile back, Paul mentioned this restaurant offered a free $50 sushi bowl if one finished it (including giant sized miso soup) under 15 minutes. His first attempt at glory concluded on the wall of shame for merely finishing the entire bowl and soup. Only one person so far at the Sawtelle location has finished the entire bowl and he looked more dead than alive in the “after” shot. After weeks without seeing Paul, I mentioned the sushi competition on his facebook wall to which he replied “BRING IT ON!”
I mustered a few optimistic friends interested in joining this mission to eat the bowl of sushi under 15 minutes; however, upon personally viewing the size of the bowl and the concoction of seafood inside it, not to mention the mass of rice and gooey squid, we all immediately opted out, leaving poor Paul a lone solider to consume Blunderbore’s sushi bowl.
To put it into perspective, I photographed the sanely sized bowl i opted for to the left next to Paul's bowl (12" diameter)
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