
Happy Ending of the Day: A toy poodle named May was found injured in the vicinity of Sechelt’s Shorncliffe Nursing Home after being dropped there by an eagle.

She was handed over to the Sunshine Coast SPCA, where it was determined that she had broken several ribs and sustained multiple cuts. However, in a happy twist of fate, the harrowing ordeal that nearly killed her, may very well have saved her life.

“She’s been a stray. There’s been severe neglect, and who knows how long she’s been out there,” BC SPCA official Lorie Chortyk told The Vancouver Sun. “Ironically, if it hadn’t been for this we might never have found her.”

May is currently undergoing treatment at Eagleridge Veterinary Hospital (yup), after which Chortyk hopes the SPCA will find her a loving home. “If anyone deserves a happy ending it’s her,” she said.

[vancouversun / arbroath.]

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