Apocalypse Prep: How to Preserve Food Without a Fridge

Photo: Jihyun Ryou
When you bring food home from a grocery store, chances are you toss it in the fridge. Ever stop to wonder if that's your best move? People managed to store perishables before the era of refrigeration, and if you're imagining a root cellar full of cans and preserves, you're only partially right.
Designer Jihyun Ryou has made it her mission to, er, preserve some of those old methods of preserving food, designing this minimalist system for the modern kitchen."We hand over the responsibility of taking care of food to the technology, the refrigerator," says Rhyou. "We don’t observe the food any more and we don’t understand how to treat it."
Are you really treating your food badly when you pop it in the fridge? Well, you're sealing it in a cold box with a bunch of other food -- all of it off-gassing and slowly decomposing. Each item reacts to the chemical composition of the other items, and to the environment itself....
Eat, Pray & Heal Japan – A Night To Benefit The Children Of Japan

Join us for an evening for Japan's children at the Bowery Hotel. Hosted by Candice Kumai, Harold Dieterle, and Angelo Sosa of Top Chef! We are sadly finding that donations to Japan are much lower than those made to Katrina and the Indonesia/Thailand, so let's do our part to get help out there!
Follow us @4JapanKids #EPH
Happy Holidays!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone! So how do you celebrate Christmas? Any weird ...