Suicide in the heart of Athens!

You never know what happens in life and that’s normal. However, being present in a suicide is by no stretch of the imagination.

A 65-year old man was walking in Syntagma Square, opposite the Greek Parliament and he decided to put an end to his life. It was 9 A.M. and the square was crowded as normal but no one was able to stop him. They all froze when they heard the shot and saw the man’s dead body fall to the ground.

Such shocking news to hear and still no one can believe it. This old man decided to commit suicide in front of everyone, apparently to get off a difficult financial situation. The suicide range has been tremendously increased the last couple of years in Greece, mostly because people are in huge debts and can’t handle it any more.

It’s sad how a historic and legendary nation had been forced to submit to Europe’s interests and it’s even more sad that people are not aware at all that many of their fellow citizens go through some tough times and so they can’t help them out.

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