A little heads up for all Linkin Park fans who are waiting for some album news: The newest issue of Rock Sound has an exclusive interview with Mike Shinoda about “the studio vibe and sound of LP’s new record”!
The best thing, though, is that LPAssociation already have the scans! Great work, guys! Check them out here!
Here are some quotes about the sound of the new album:
The album is not completely focused yet. There is a lot of experimentation still going on as we hone in on the personality of the record, but what we’ve got so far is really exciting for us. It simultaneously moves forward while also embracing the past.
The last record was more of a concept record, it demanded attention and slowing down to get with it, but this album has more of an immediate rush.
With this record the lyrics have less of a political slant and there’s more personal drive behind the words. It’s a very dynamic record so far and there’s a lot of colour and movement. The songs that we’ve got so far are very different to one another, especially with the digital elements, and I say that deliberately because we are not using electronics or samples. It’s something different like edited sounds, loops and atmospheres. Those elements are really defining the songs, even though I can’t work out how to describe them, and it’s gluing everything together.
Mike also said that the record does not sound like their debut “Hybrid Theory” and that the band consciously tries to avoid any trends like the newest trend of combining rock with electronic elements.
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