Picture of Heidi and Joe: Too Good To Pass It Up

You know that I usually don’t post private pictures here, but this one was just too good to pass it up and it was already released to the WWW anyways. Heidi Woan, who is not only the girlfriend of Linkin Park’s Joe Hahn, but also a really funny and entertaining person, updated her blog with some pictures of their stay in Paris. You should really check out her blog, because it’s hilarious and she posts awesome food pictures!

By the way, this is also today’s “Picture of the Day”! Can’t get any better than this!

2 Replies to "Picture of Heidi and Joe: Too Good To Pass It Up"

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    Angelica A. 22. June 2011 (17:08)

    Aw this is so cute! She seems like the right match for him ^^
    Where did you find this picture?

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      adiek84 22. June 2011 (20:50)

      It was on her blog: beefstewnoodles.com. It’s a great blog, you should check it out. I really like Heidi, too. She seems to be very funny and sarcastic. 🙂

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