Mike Shinoda Clan: Global Domination

The Mike Shinoda Clan is the best and most updated fanpage for Linkin Park’s Mike Shinoda and also one of the best Linkin Park fanpages. Last year administrators Zara and Ana decided to take the MSC to the next level by creating a Global website in four languages, English, German, Portuguese and Spanish. With the help of many translators (Spanish: Sole, Nadia, Gilberto, Cindy, Melissa, Violeta, Stephanie, Claudia, Javier, Adriana, and Catalina; Portuguese: Lyh, Alexandra, Aline, Fernanda, Danielle, Kelly, Tati, Ana (aninhalp), Marcela, and Ana (koozykaz), German: Trixi, Steff, Nessa, Sabrina, Yvonne, and Adie [yes, that’s me!]) the content of the English MSC version was translated, then Ana and Zara changed the layout and voilá global domination is to come!
Check out the new MSC HERE!

2 Replies to "Mike Shinoda Clan: Global Domination"

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    Zara 14. January 2011 (23:48)

    Aw Adie, great post, thanks for your help with MSC DE!

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      adiek84 14. January 2011 (23:51)

      You’re welcome. Even though I can’t translate so much, because I’m so busy, it’s still lots of fun to help you out. 🙂

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