Short Story Writing Contest – NEW DEADLINE MARCH 25!


– Blog Post about the author
– Amazon Gift card for 10€ (the amount will change depending on the currency)


1. Only short stories are allowed!
Edit: Little know-it-all Antigoni actually read the “short story” Wikipedia entry and informed me that no more than 9,000 words are allowed 😉
2. Please only submit English stories. If English isn’t your native language, and you feel that your English isn’t that great, let someone else check the story for spelling mistakes and grammar mistakes before you send it in (Beta-Reader).
3. Only one submission per person!
4. Send your story to
5. Do NOT publish your story somewhere else! Already published stories will be disqualified.
6. The new deadline is March 25, 2012.

Winner selection:

After the submission deadline, I will post one story per day here, so that everyone has enough time to read them before the voting starts.
After the last story was published, I will create a poll where you can vote for your favourite story. The date of the voting depends on how many entries I’ll get. You will get some more information about that in April.

All topics are allowed. Cheers to creative freedom!

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