AdieK84 New Layout

We got a new layout!

I’ve edited some pictures so that they fit into this theme, but there are still a lot that are too wide, just ignore that, please. 😉 The same goes for any weird text formatting.
Also I wanna add that the header is part of a mural made by David Choe. I hope I can use it. To be honest I don’t really know if I have to ask permission, so if you’re David Choe and you want me to remove it, just contact me. If you’re David Choe and it’s okay that I’m using it still contact me, please! 😉

So tell me what you think about the new layout! Better than the last one? Not better? Ugly? Amazing? Best layout you’ve ever seen?

1 Reply to "AdieK84 New Layout"

  • comment-avatar
    Ebi.Delson 18. March 2011 (14:56)

    look like pink winter 🙂
    simple and nice

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