day : 25/05/2013 1 result

Chat Transcript: Anna Shinoda’s Book Club #3 (Meg Rosoff – How I live Now)

How-I-Live-Now Here is a chat transcript from Anna Shinoda's book club chat about Meg Rosoff's "How I Live Now". I missed a few lines here and there, but all in all, this is most of the chat. Quite a long read! 57 Jenn90: Hello Anna =) 22:57 EvoOba-1: Hey there 22:57 adiek84-1: Oh no, how could you? 22:57 tenshiie-1: Hey Anna :) 22:57 NLopezdeArenosa: Hi Anna (: 22:57 adiek84-1: Hi 22:57 Kate-KE-1: hey)...