month : 05/2013 4 results

Photos: Japan Tag 2013 in Düsseldorf

[de:]Heute war ich mit Saskia beim Japan Tag. Wir haben sehr viel von der japanischen Kultur und dem einzigartigem Lifestyle gesehen. Am lustigsten waren natürlich die tollen Kostüme der Cosplayer. Die haben sich wirklich Mühe gegeben! ...

Chat Transcript: Anna Shinoda’s Book Club #3 (Meg Rosoff – How I live Now)

How-I-Live-Now Here is a chat transcript from Anna Shinoda's book club chat about Meg Rosoff's "How I Live Now". I missed a few lines here and there, but all in all, this is most of the chat. Quite a long read! 57 Jenn90: Hello Anna =) 22:57 EvoOba-1: Hey there 22:57 adiek84-1: Oh no, how could you? 22:57 tenshiie-1: Hey Anna :) 22:57 NLopezdeArenosa: Hi Anna (: 22:57 adiek84-1: Hi 22:57 Kate-KE-1: hey)...

Call for Support! Vote @djtonjah to Beatpatrol Festival!

This DJ needs your help! Imagine you had the possibility to perform at a huge festival, all you ...