List 4 results

My Favourite Songs of 2011

In no particular order: Ryu - I did it to myself One of my favourite rap songs from last year. I love the lyrics, they're honest and authentic. I really love Ryu's crew Get Busy Committtee, but I also wish he'd release a solo record!
The Naked & Famous - Punching in a Dream I've discovered many great new bands in 2011 and The Naked and Famous are one of them. Their album "Passive me, aggressive you" is so great and you should all buy it! ...

My Favourite Albums of 2011

Looking back at 2011 (yes, it's THAT time again), I feel that this year was an amazing year for music. There were so many really good albums released, I thought I should make a list with my ten favourite albums of 2011. This list is totally subjective, of course, so don't be surprised if you can't find some of the year's most successful albums in it (e.g. Adele, Coldplay). 10. Tyler the Creator - Goblin I used to listen to a lot of rap music when i was in my teens, but then turned to rock music when i got a bit older. Even though I still listened to some rap artists like Eminem, Jay-Z and Kanye West, I wasn't really enthusiastic about that genre anymore. Tyler the Creator's "Goblin" totally changed that! I love Tyler's puristic style and his bold and pretty crude lyrics. I've bought "Goblin" together with Kanye's and Jay-Z's much-anticipated "Watch the Throne" album, but surprisingly ended up preferring the minimalistic "Goblin" over "Watch the Throne". Like Eminem, Tyler is much criticized for his misogynistic and homophobic lyrics, but in my opinion people take this too serious. To quote Tyler: "It's fucking fiction!" Best songs: "Yonkers", "Radicals", "Tron Cat", "Nightmare" ...

20 Things I Wish I Had Known When Starting Out in Life

I've just stumbled over this accidently, while I was searching for something else, and I think it's pretty awesome!
“Everything has been figured out, except how to live.” - Jean-Paul Sartre I’m nearly 35 years old, and I’ve made my share of mistakes in my life. I’m not a big believer in regrets … and I have learned tremendously from every single mistake … and my life is pretty great. However, there are a few things I wish I had known when I was graduating from high school and starting out as an adult in life. Would I change things? I’m not so sure. I might never have gotten into a mountain of debt, but then I wouldn’t have learned the amazing satisfaction of getting out of it. I might have made better career choices, but then I wouldn’t have all the work experience that makes me the blogger and writer that I am today. I might not have gotten married that first time, so that I would never have gotten divorced … but then I wouldn’t have my first two beautiful wonderful incredible children from that first marriage. I don’t think I would change any of that. However, looking back, there are some lessons I’ve learned that I would probably tell my 18-year-old self. Do I share them now to share my regrets? No, I share them in hopes that younger men and women, just starting out in life, can benefit from my mistakes and my lessons. What follows isn’t an exhaustive list, but it’s one that I hope proves useful to at least a few people....

Your Top 5 of 2010


Are you tired of disagreeing with all those weird Top 5/10/20 of 2010 lists? No matter if it's about music, film, art, books, somehow I never agree with those lists. So now I want you to tell me all about your Top 5! You can choose any topic you want. Your Top 5 memories, Top 5 books, Top 5 music videos, Top 5 Christmas presents, Top 5 artists, Top 5 video games, Top 5 exhibitions, Top 5 celebrity couples, Top 5 singles...... I think you get what I mean now. So go ahead! Either hit the comment button, or contact me via Twitter @adiek84 I will add those to the blog then, so come and visit this post now and then as I will continue to update it. On December 31st I will then post my Top 5 here! I can't wait to read all your submissions! Yay, first submissions on Twitter! Please follow those people, they seem to have good taste! ...
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