Known Gallery 22 results

REVOK News: Reasons For His Arrest And How To Support Him

The Real Reason Revok Was Arrested

Melrose & Fairfax posted a very interesting article. The "Revok-Case" is pretty weird with him being arrested only a week after "Art in the streets" opened at MOCA and the high bail amount, etc. so I wouldn't be surprised if their accusations against the LAPD are true.
The trumped up charges against Revok have reeked of suspicion ever since his arrest. From nabbing Revok in the first place for a parole violation and not a new crime, to the exorbitant $320,000 bail, to be sentenced to half a year in jail a day after the arrest, the whole thing seemed like there was something bigger going on. The LAPD were clearly looking for someone to make an example of doing graffiti outside MOCA. But when they hadn't made an arrest on the streets after the first week, they wanted a high profile name to take down. There was probably a short list of high profile arrests, so short, there was probably only one name on it--Revok. Read more after the jump!...


Want to thank all of the people who have supported our brother REVOK in these hard times. Please ...

Benefit Art Auction: Japanese Earthquake & Pacific Tsunami

I just found this at Known Gallery's Blog. Toy Tokyo and TT-Underground Gallery are hosting a ...

Special Art Post #6: SABER


Name: Saber Genre: Graffiti, Fine Art Dates: Solo Show in Mid May at Opera Gallery (More infos coming when released) Website Blog Twitter Facebook YouTube Channel Known Gallery Artist Page

It's been a long time since I've posted my last "Special Art Post" about Willie T., so I think it's time for another one. I've decided to dedicate #6 to artists SABER, because he's one of the best graffiti artists, he completed the largest graffiti piece on the cement bank of Los Angeles River in 1997 (blood shedding included), he has probably the coolest website, and.... he's cool. Actually this is not really an easy post to do, because SABER has done so many art pieces throughout the years and there's tons of material on the web, including probably more interesting articles about him on bigger sites. So this post is more like a little introduction of SABER and a little summary of what you can find on the web about him. I strongly recommend to click your way though his website, blog and other pages, because there is way more stuff than I can post here. ...

David Flores ATC: #4-27

Okay, I have to admit, I kind of neglected David Flores_ATC's awesome project. In case you have forgotten already, he wanted to paint one picture every day for the whole year. As his works are pretty awesome, this was really good news and I wanted to post his pictures here every day. Let's just pretend that I did, okay? Here are #4 to #10. You'll find the rest HERE or HERE! Now, instead of posting one pic every day, I just post the pictures here on a weekly basis. If you still want to see them every day, follow David on Twitter or add him on Facebook. 4 5 ...

RETNA – The “Hallelujah” World Tour

SOURCE: Known Gallery More infos to come!

David Flores ATC: A New Year, A New Project

David Flores decided to take the New Year's Resolutions to a whole new level by planning to do one painting a day for the entire year! On his blog he writes:
A new year, a new project. Trying to do 1 piece of art everyday of the year (even though I make stuff on a regular basis already). It will vary from tattoo flash to stencils to who know what? I more than likely won't post all of them, but they will all be documented.
Let's hope he'll go through with it and post most of them!

Here is #1/365:


TwitART #2

Here we go again! Some gems I've found in my "Twitter-Art-List-Timeline" the last days. Make sure to click on the links, because I only post one picture and often there are way more! Oh, and follow all these people if you have a Twitter, because they are awesome and many of them (like Revok, for example) post so much great stuff that it doesn't all fit into this tiny little blog post! And check out their blogs, subscribe to them etc., you know the deal, it's called SUPPORT!!/TeddyTroops/status/17643970368643072 Cpt.Cracker!/REVOK1/status/16166780296761344 Alex Olsen STEVE OLSON and ALEX OLSON | BOOM BOOM Opening December 18th, 2010 | Runs December 18th, 2010 - January 8th, 2011 Known Gallery 441 North Fairfax Ave Los Angeles, CA 90036!/garybaseman/status/17635513326370816 ...

Special Art Post #5: Willie T.

Name: Willie Toledo Art: Photography/Film WWW: Blog Artist Profile @ Known Gallery Videos on Vimeo Twitter I bet you've expected some graffiti artist! Well, this time it's all about Photography! Willie T.'s "Special Art Post" has been a long time coming! If you are interested in cool events, like Art Basel, the premiere of Banksy's "Exit Through The Gift Shop", or just some private party with cool people, like 50 Cent, you just have to stumble upon Willie T's photos one day. I saw his work for the first time when I was browsing Known Gallery's website and I got really hooked on it, when I saw this picture he made of artist Push: Next to Photography, he's also active in filming. On his vimeo profile he writes:
Filming is something that I'm never thought I was going to be doing, I always thought I would end up with a career that I would in be happy with but filming is were I can express my Art, I feel that every moment I capture someone in front of my lens is a Memory they leave behind.. Someone told me once in my life what kind of legacy do you want people to remember you by! And I was like Wooooo do I have something to leave behind? That was my question to myself and now I do I think I do. I thank God everyday of my life for this chance and opportunity in what I call a Second chance.. So please take a look at my work and feel free to drop me a message or leave me a Comment.
So let's take a look at his work! ...

Graffiti Battle in Auckland, New Zealand (via )

Hi Guys, meet Jersey Joe (Rime)! He's a great graffiti artist, one of my favourites, and he has a ...