david choe 5 results

TwitArt #5 or When Art is Hidden in the Timeline

The last TwitArt post was in September 2011, so it's about time for a new one! Enjoy! https://twitter.com/#!/seaking/status/196521979132649474

ABC News About Dave Choe’s Facebook Story

1. "I did everything I wanted to when I had nothing" - Dave Choe at 3:22 -> Probably the best ...

David Choe To Release New Print On June 3

David Choe is releasing a new print, in 3 separate editions based off of Choe’s recent travels to the rainforests of Columbia where he said he got high out of his fucking mind. He hung out with the Kogi Indians, and some of the print’s profits will go to the Kogi’s schools. Here is the breakdown:...

Benefit Art Auction: Japanese Earthquake & Pacific Tsunami

I just found this at Known Gallery's Blog. Toy Tokyo and TT-Underground Gallery are hosting a ...

Happy Birthday Mr. (Joe) Hahn

This week some great people are celebrating their birthdays! After Erin Yoshi's brithday yesterday, today it's time for Linkin Park's Joe Hahn to pop some bottles! For those of you who don't know, Joe, who usually goes by Mr. Hahn, is not only Linkin Park's DJ, but also the best DJ in the world! Yes, Lethal, I said the best DJ in the world! Wait a minute, my brother is a DJ, too, so Joe is the second best DJ in the world! Sorry Joe, but blood is sicker than your mustache! By the way, he turned 87 today! Here's proof: http://twitter.com/#!/joehahnLP/status/47486017288142848 In honour of the magnificent Hahn (did you know that "Hahn" is the German word for "cock"? Just saying...) I've compiled some pictures and videos that show Joe's best moments of his whole life! Thanks, Joe, for being weird, funny, cool, badass, hilarious, and handsome at the same time! Pics and vids after the jump! ...