Revok’s Side Of The Story

As you all know, Revok was arrested and convicted for 180 days a while ago. Fortunately he was released three days ago and told us his side of the story.
You guys probably know that I'm a big fan of graffiti, always happy to find some color in the streets. I still can understand, when home owners aren't so happy when someone writes on their walls and they have to pay for the removal. However, charging one of the greatest graffiti artists for painting murals with the property owners consent is just ridiculous! This is a clear attack against the art itself and has nothing to do with vandalism!
Here's Revok's blog post:
-After 44 days and 24,000$ of debt I am finally out of jail… Thank you soo very much to all of you people who showed your support with drawings, paintings, etc. It means a great deal to me that there are people out there that actually give a shit.
China arrested ‘Jasmine’ activists
Scores of government critics, lawyers, activists, bloggers, artists and "netizens" have been arrested since February, amid government fears of a "Jasmine Revolution" inspired by events in the Middle East and North Africa. Amnesty International profiles some of the new generation of Chinese activists caught in the sweep.
Liang Haiyi aka Tiny: Early victim of the "Jasmine Revolution" crackdown
Status: In detention on suspicion of "subversion of state power"
In her own words: "When the country cannot protect a beggar, it cannot protect the emperor!
Liang Haiyi was reportedly taken away by police on 19 February in the northern Chinese city of Harbin for sharing videos and information about the ”Jasmine Revolution” on the internet. Her lawyer confirmed she was detained on suspicion of “subversion of state power”.
Jay-Z’s Music Recommendations

By now, you've probably heard about or seen Life + Times, Jay-Z's super-fresh lifestyle blog. The new site basically functions as a Hova-run online magazine — interviews with the coolest of the cool, musings about super-sweet swag and, most importantly, some Jigga-approved MP3s.
But exactly how on-point are SC's cyber selections? We took a closer look at some of Life + Times' choice tracks to see if Jay can keep up with the digital Joneses. (Spoiler: We like what we found!)