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Posts by Melissa 1951 results

Corey Taylor: “I don’t see Slipknot making another album”

Following the death of bassist Paul Gray in May last year, Slipknot frontman Corey Taylor has ...

Bootleg: Foo Fighters Preview New LP

Foos in Cologne The Foo Fighters have been playing intimate shows to preview material from their upcoming album Wasting Light, but at a gig last week in Cologne, Germany, Dave Grohl and crew delivered a blistering set that featured the LP in its entirety. A crisp bootleg of the show has surfaced online. Check it out HERE! "We're gonna be here a while so get comfortable," says Grohl at the start of the show, which was organized for contest winners of German radio station 1Live. "It's gonna be a long fucking night! Ready?" And with that…they're off, delivering a non-stop 98-minute set that starts with the tinnitus-inducing riffs of "Bridge Burning" and wraps with the Foo's classic anthem "Everlong." ...

Why Australia’s Great Barrier Reef Needs Saving

GBREEF Shark humor has its time and place, but not when I'm snorkeling somewhere called Shark Bay. At the Heron Island Research Station, a laboratory on the teardrop-shaped atoll 45 miles (72 km) off Australia's east coast, the suntanned, chirpy station manager gives a parting wave to the three students who are taking me out for my first look at the legendary corals of the Great Barrier Reef. "Just don't get eaten, will you?" she says. Ha-ha. Happily, there are no sharks in Shark Bay that morning; in fact, there's not a whole lot of anything. As I follow the students' snorkels, we pass over circular beds of brown, monochromatic coral and empty expanses of rippled sand. A handful of small, glimmering fish hover in the water column, but they're the only life we see during an hour-long swim. Where are the schools of coral trout? The famed Maori wrasse? Wading back to shore, one of the students shrugs: "Sorry there wasn't more."...

A Thousand Suns Special European Reissue

On March 28, Linkin Park will release a special reissue of their hit album "A Thousand Suns" in ...

Linkin Park at AAC, Dallas: A Night Terror Delivered Via Subwoofer Meets The “Essence of Shinoda”

Zara from just tweeted this concert review from Linkin Park's show in Dallas. It's pretty on point and funny at all the right places, so read! Thanks, Zara!
I’m not saying he’s not a man’s man, but Chester Bennington used to drive a sparkly silver PT Cruiser. I know this because he used to live next door to my good friend, and he did not utilize his parking garage. But perhaps he doesn’t need a fancy SUV; he has the grandeur of a world tour, and an arena full of cheering fans that live for the sensation that is Linkin Park. A show postponed by a bout of illness, the size of the audience at American Airlines Center has not been thwarted. “You ready to have some fun?” Chester asks the crowd. As the band opens with “Faint,” his vocals prove to be a bit ahead of the beat, but unharmed, nonetheless. ...

Nuclear Weapons and Climate Change: Part Two

ozone On Feb. 25, I posted a blog arguing that nuclear weapons are the most important and urgent environmental threat today—even more important than climate change caused by greenhouse gasses. I received quite a bit of feedback from environmentalists—many of whom took umbrage with my thesis. Interestingly, no one argued that the predictions of climate change following a limited nuclear war (50-100 Hiroshima-sized bombs) was unsound—after all, scientists use some of the same climate modeling techniques to predict the global cooling from nuclear fallout and soot as they use to chart the future of global warming from carbon emissions and other greenhouse gases. Many environmentalists felt simply that the chances of nuclear war were so small that worrying about its effect on the climate was a waste of time. Joe Romm's sentiments on the Climate Progress blog were typical: "So the scenario being offered is that some accident or other event leads to India and Pakistan suicidally using most of their nuclear weapons on each other. Something to worry about? Absolutely. Likely? Not terribly. Preventable through the political efforts of U.S. environmentalists? Gimme a break!"...

Why Nukes are the Most Urgent Environmental Threat Part I

abomb Environmentalists: Wake up! There is a greater and more urgent threat to the climate than even global warming: the threat posed by nuclear weapons. Why are nuclear bombs an environmental problem? We have long known that a large-scale nuclear war would lead to a sudden change in climate—called a nuclear winter—that could threaten all life on earth. But in the past decade, climate scientists have used advanced climate modeling to show that even a small exchange of nuclear weapons—between 50-100 Hiroshima-sized bombs, which India and Pakistan already have their in arsenal—would produce enough soot and smoke to block out sunlight, cool the planet, and produce climate change unprecedented in recorded human history. Scary? It gets worse. New research by the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) suggests that the above scenario of a "limited" nuclear war would also burn a hole through the ozone layer, allowing extreme levels of ultraviolet radiation to reach the Earth's surface, which would greatly damage agriculture and most likely lead to a global nuclear famine....

50 Quintessentially American Novels via Accredited Online Colleges

gatsby This article was just sent to me via E-Mail. Thanks, Emma!
Literature is just as subjective a creative pursuit as any other. Sure there’s some technique involved in executing a practically perfect piece, but just as many startlingly amazing subversions exist as well. So don’t take this list as anything beyond one writer’s opinion. Heightened blood pressure over what books have and have not been included is more than a wee bit silly. All the novels featured here cover the dual nature of American culture, politics, history, acculturation and more. From a diverse selection of perspectives, they analyze some corner of this supposed "Dream" that everyone in the nation is supposed to share – particularly how it means something different to different people and doesn’t always play out as expected. Though many of these vivisect highly familiar (if not universal) themes and archetypes, they couldn’t have been written anywhere else. 1. Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1852) by Harriet Beecher Stowe: This impassioned anti-slavery novel helped stimulate the Abolitionist movement and further drive wedges between the American North and South, making it one of the most culturally significant fictitious works in the nation’s literary canon....

Can You Be Fired for Bad-Mouthing Your Boss on Facebook?

Office Dawnmarie Souza's comments on her Facebook page didn't win her any points with the boss, but the rest of us owe her a debt of gratitude. In a rare test of old law on a new medium, she helped us understand just how little the online world differs from the land of bricks and mortar. Souza's career as a paramedic at American Medical Response of Connecticut Inc. may not have been too bright even before she called her boss various genital parts in a November 2009 Facebook posting. She had been hauled on the carpet for several incidents of allegedly rude behavior and had further rankled the emergency-response company by asking to have a union representative present when she was to be questioned about one particular customer's complaint that she had been rude, according to a National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) investigation of the case. The company denied the request, and that, in turn, set off her colorful Facebook flurry. American Medical fired her 23 days later. ...

Very Special Art Competition!

Takashi Murakami The Submission Phase is over! Go here to see all submissions! EDIT: The ...
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