Want Your Favourite Artists To Help Japan?

If you want your favourite artists to contribute a track to Japan's relief effort "Download to Donate", a compilation of unreleased music presented by Music for Relief, just send them a tweet and ask them. This is what Mike Shinoda, Linkin Park's singer, songwriter and producer, told ArtisanNews. The important thing is that the fans make noise. Help collecting money for Music For Relief's project by tweeting Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber, 30 Seconds To Mars, Kanye West, Katy Perry, Rihanna, My Chemical Romance, etc. the following:
Please help #Japan through @MusicforRelief's Download to Donate by contributing a song http://t.co/dTeCq7O"
You could also write on their message boards and Facebook walls.
100% of the proceeds go to Save The Children!
Check out the current tracklist and Mike's Interview after the jump. ...