TwitArt 4 results

TwitArt #5 or When Art is Hidden in the Timeline

The last TwitArt post was in September 2011, so it's about time for a new one! Enjoy!!/seaking/status/196521979132649474

TwitArt #4 or When Art Is Hidden In The Timeline

Sorry for the lack of updates here, but I'm really busy with exams at the moment. To give you a special weekend treat, I've made another TwitArt Post. Remember to follow all this great people and make sure to actually click the links in the tweets to see all pictures, articles, etc.!/luke_chueh/status/114047571630108672

TwitArt #3 Or What Artists Tweet

I know I've been neglecting the art here, so I thought I'd make another TwitArt post! Like always, if there's a link to more than one picture, I just post one here as a little taste. So make sure to click the links, if you want to see all the good stuff. Also, follow the artists! Here we go:!/garybaseman/status/40113707388243968 ...

TwitART #2

Here we go again! Some gems I've found in my "Twitter-Art-List-Timeline" the last days. Make sure to click on the links, because I only post one picture and often there are way more! Oh, and follow all these people if you have a Twitter, because they are awesome and many of them (like Revok, for example) post so much great stuff that it doesn't all fit into this tiny little blog post! And check out their blogs, subscribe to them etc., you know the deal, it's called SUPPORT!!/TeddyTroops/status/17643970368643072 Cpt.Cracker!/REVOK1/status/16166780296761344 Alex Olsen STEVE OLSON and ALEX OLSON | BOOM BOOM Opening December 18th, 2010 | Runs December 18th, 2010 - January 8th, 2011 Known Gallery 441 North Fairfax Ave Los Angeles, CA 90036!/garybaseman/status/17635513326370816 ...