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First look at Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss In ‘The Hunger Games’.

There are few movie roles that offer instantly as massive a fan base as do the lead heroines in big screen adaptations of Young Adult novels. To wit: Emma Watson, "Harry Potter's" Hermoine, is an icon of screen and style, while Kristen Stewart, the embodiment of Bella in "The Twilight Saga," has her every moody move tracked by jealous fans as she makes her way through new big screen epics and dating co-star Robert Pattinson. Having won the next massive book-to-film role, Katniss Everdeen in Suzanne Collins' "The Hunger Games," Jennifer Lawrence knows what's in store for her. Being ready is another thing. In an exclusive interview with Entertainment Weekly, Lawrence discussed her sudden rise to fame -- on the back of an entirely different type of film, the indie "Winter's Bone," for which she earned an Oscar nomination -- and her mental preparation to play such a highly sought role (she won the part over fellow Oscar nominee Hailee Steinfeld)....