janm 2 results

Year of the Labbit at JANM – Check out my Favourites!

The "Year of the Labbit" show opened on July 14 at Japanese American National Museum (more info) and while the Labbits by Mike Shinoda, Kip Fulbeck, higashi glaser, and Stan Sakai will be auctioned off on Ebay during the next 4 months (Buy Mike Shinoda's Labbit), the rest of the Labbits are on sale. All of them look really awesome, but I didn't want to post them all, so here are my favourites:

DAVID KAWANO "Mutant Labbit Wandering Through the Aftermath"


Upcoming Art Shows: Year Of The Rabbit & Year Of The Labbit

Year of the Rabbit: Stan Sakai's Usagi Yojimbo July 9 - October 30, 2011 For over 25 years, fans around the world have been enjoying Stan Sakai’s Usagi Yojimbo. This retrospective exhibition celebrates the work of Sakai and includes original drawings and paintings that bring to life the adventures of his samurai rabbit from 17th century feudal Japan. Usagi Yojimbo is based on the historical figure Miyamoto Musashi and inspired by Japanese folklore, literature, and film. Heavily researched and rich in detail, Sakai’s storylines mix both humor and drama to tell adventures that include authentic Japanese history and culture in the form of a distinctly American comic book....