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Mural on Fairfax “Accidentally” Buffed

BG Image via Melrose & Fairfax Twitter was abuzz when news were spread that a mural done by celebrated artists Retna, Rime, Revok, Norm, Saber, and Os Gêmeos was partially painted over by workers from Graffiti Control Systems. Fortunately the process was stopped by the owner of the building before the piece was covered completely. The whitewash was stripped and the piece can be restored. Graffiti and Street Art are probably the most controversial forms of art with artists being in conflict with the governments constantly. Many incredible pieces by exceptional artists have already been buffed, one of the most famous being Sabers LA River piece. It's time that the authorities realise how valuable those art works are and thank the artists instead of constantly destroying their work! Saber has posted a very interesting blog post written by Piper Severance about the incident:...