Humanity 61 results

Remember the Novemberpogrom (“Kristallnacht”), Nov. 9 &10 in 1938

Today is the 73rd anniversary from one of the most horrible events in human history. From November 9 - November 10, 1938 the Nazis in Germany celebrated their "Kristallnacht", an euphemistic term that isn't used in Germany anymore, because it plays down the events of the night. In a series of attacks synagogues, houses and businesses of Jews were burned down in Germany and Austria, many Jews were beaten, shot or committed suicide that night, thousands were deported to concentration camps in Dachau, Buchenwald, Sachsenhausen, etc. Read a detailed description of the events here. Here is the eyewitness report of a fire fighter from Laupheim: ...

Power the World – Linkin Park x UN x Sustainable Energy for All: Videos, Pictures, Press

So here's the announcement Mike Shinoda tweeted about yesterday:
Energy is central to nearly every major challenge and opportunity the world faces today. Whether relating to jobs, security, climate change, food production or income-generating activity, access to sustainable energy is essential for strengthening economies, protecting ecosystems, and achieving social equity. However, more than 1.4 billion people worldwide have no access to electricity, and 1 billion more have only intermittent access. Additionally, some 2.5 billion people-- almost half of humanity-- rely on traditional biomass for cooking and heating. Linkin Park and Music for Relief have pledged to support the UN Secretary-General to help achieve Sustainable Energy for All through Power the World. Join us to help bring sustainable energy solutions to 1 million families. Empower the Planet. Power the World. Learn more about the year of Sustainable Energy for All here.
-Linkin Park That's such a great new relief effort! I didn't even know that so many people live without power. This is a more detailed press release by "Sustainable Energy for All":
New York, NY — United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today welcomed the support of the Grammy award winning rock band Linkin Park for his "Sustainable Energy for All Initiative." The band will utilize its extensive social media presence, including more than 36 million Facebook fans, and draw on its significant public profile to mobilize support for the Secretary-General’s Initiative and sustainable energy projects worldwide.
Read more... Linkin Park also visited the UN Headquarters today and met Secretery-General Ban Ki-Moon! Here are the video of the press conference, the UN's press release and some pictures: There's a longer video here. Unfortunately I can't download or embed it here, so you just gotta click the link.

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon with Grammy award-winning Linkin Park band members at UN Headquarters | Photo: UN


Steve Aoki Donates Single Proceeds To Music For Relief

DJ/producer Steve Aoki will release his debut album as an artist entitled "Wonderland" this ...

Happy 1st Anniversary To Myself!

One year ago, I've read something really interesting on Mike Shinoda's blog and wanted to comment ...

Ty Inc. CEO Visits Save the Children Projects in Japan

WESTPORT, Conn. (September 12, 2011) — Ty Warner, CEO of toy manufacturing giant Ty Inc. travel...

Never Forget The Victims Of 9/11

Rest in Peace

World Trade Center Victims

Gordon M. Aamoth, Jr. Edelmiro Abad Maria Rose Abad Andrew Anthony Abate Vincent Abate Laurence Christopher Abel William F. Abrahamson Richard Anthony Aceto Jesus Acevedo Rescand Heinrich Bernhard Ackermann Paul Acquaviva Donald LaRoy Adams Patrick Adams Shannon Lewis Adams Stephen George Adams Ignatius Udo Adanga Christy A. Addamo Terence E. Adderley, Jr. Sophia Buruwad Addo Lee Allan Adler Daniel Thomas Afflitto Emmanuel Akwasi Afuakwah Alok Agarwal Mukul Kumar Agarwala Joseph Agnello David Scott Agnes Brian G. Ahearn Jeremiah Joseph Ahern Joanne Marie Ahladiotis Shabbir Ahmed Terrance Andre Aiken Godwin Ajala Gertrude M. Alagero Andrew Alameno Margaret Ann Alario Gary M. Albero Jon Leslie Albert Peter Alderman Jacquelyn Delaine Aldridge David D. Alger Sarah Ali-Escarcega Ernest Alikakos Edward L. Allegretto Eric Allen Joseph Ryan Allen Richard Dennis Allen Richard Lanard Allen Christopher E. Allingham Janet M. Alonso Arturo Alva-Moreno Anthony Alvarado Antonio Javier Alvarez Victoria Alvarez-Brito Telmo E. Alvear Cesar Amoranto Alviar Tariq Amanullah Angelo Amaranto James M. Amato Joseph Amatuccio Christopher Charles Amoroso Kazuhiro Anai Calixto Anaya, Jr. Joseph Anchundia Kermit Charles Anderson Yvette Constance Anderson John Andreacchio Michael Rourke Andrews Jean Ann Andrucki Siew-Nya Ang Joseph Angelini, Jr. Joseph Angelini, Sr. Laura Angilletta Doreen J. Angrisani Lorraine Antigua Peter Paul Apollo Faustino Apostol, Jr. Frank Thomas Aquilino Patrick Michael Aranyos David Arce Michael George Arczynski Louis Arena Adam P. Arias Michael Armstrong Jack Charles Aron Joshua Aron Richard Avery Aronow Japhet Jesse Aryee Patrick Asante Carl Asaro Michael Asciak Michael Edward Asher Janice Marie Ashley Thomas J. Ashton Manuel O. Asitimbay Gregg Arthur Atlas Gerald T. Atwood James Audiffred Louis Frank Aversano, Jr. Ezra Aviles Sandy Ayala...

Secret Show For Japan’s Success (via Mike Shinoda’s Blog)

We are so close to the 300,000 and there are only 2 days left, so head over there and donate! ...

12-Year-Old Musician Writes Song For Music For Relief To Benefit Joplin,MO

Eli Clarke, a 12-year-old from Montclair, NJ, has written and performed an instrumental rock track ...

66th Anniversary: Hiroshima Day Special – My Musings, A Survivor’s Story & Documentary

"Gembaku Domu" - The Atomic Bomb Dome

Since today marks the 66th anniversary of the dropping of the atomic bomb in Hiroshima, here is a special post about probably the biggest humanitarian catastrophe in history. Between 150,000 and 245,000 people died after the U.S. dropped the atomic bomb "Little Boy" on Hiroshima, on August 6, 1945 and only three days later "Fat Boy" on Nagasaki. On August 15, Japan surrendered to the Allied Powers which officially ended the World War II. To this day, the ethical justification of the atomic bombing is still debated. Read this article for more information. Do you think the use of the atomic bomb was justified, because it ended the war quickly? In my opinion, what happened in Hiroshima and Nagasaki is probably the most horrible crime against humanity ever committed. As a History student I am always confronted with the big question "Do we learn from History?" and since I am a quite realistic person I always answer it with a clear "No." as there are always new wars and new reports of violence and murder in the news. Still, catastrophes like the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki force us to at least try to learn from History. Always remember what happened this day 66 years ago in Japan, as well as the Holocaust in Germany, the Genocide in Armenia, in Rwanda and anywhere else people are killed for politics, ethnical differences, religion or any other reason! A few months ago I was incredibly lucky to get the opportunity to talk to a survivor of the atomic bomb in Hiroshima. Even though I've known all the facts about the bombing from school and University, it was on this day that I realized for the first time the extend of the catastrophe and gained insight into the people's experience of the bombings. I have found this incredible article about a man who didn't only survive the bombing of Hiroshima, but also of Nagasaki:

It will go down as one of the most inspiring survival stories ever to emerge from a horrific war. Tsutomu Yamaguchi was in his twenties when he found himself in Hiroshima on the morning of 6 August 1945, as a single B-29 US bomber droned overhead. The "Little Boy" bomb that it dropped from its payload would kill or injure 160,000 people by the day's end. Among them was the young engineer – who was in town on a business trip for Mitsubishi Heavy Industries – who stepped off a tram as the bomb exploded. Despite being 3km (just under two miles) from Ground Zero, the blast temporarily blinded him, destroyed his left eardrum and inflicted horrific burns over much of the top half of his body. The following morning, he braved another dose of radiation as he ventured into Hiroshima city centre, determined to catch a train home, away from the nightmare. But home for Mr Yamaguchi was Nagasaki, where two days later the "Fat Man" bomb was dropped, killing 70,000 people and creating a city where, in the words of its mayor, "not even the sound of insects could be heard". In a bitter twist of fate, Yamaguchi was again 3km from the centre of the second explosion. In fact, he was in the office explaining to his boss how he had almost been killed days before, when suddenly the same white light filled the room. "I thought the mushroom cloud had followed me from Hiroshima," Mr Yamaguchi said.

Please Help! Child Survival At Stake In Eastern Africa

UNICEF urgently requires US$31.8 million for the next three months to provide humanitarian support to crisis affected children and women in Somalia, Kenya, Ethiopia and Djibouti

The Horn of Africa is facing a severe crisis due to the convergent effects of the worst droughts in decades, a sharp rise in food prices, and the persistent effects of armed conflict in Somalia, which has combined to trigger one of the sharpest refugee outflows in a decade to Kenya and Ethiopia. Over ten million people are at high risk including 2.85 million persons in Somalia, 3.2 million in Ethiopia and 3.5 million in Kenya. • Urgent life-saving actions are needed to prevent the deaths of an estimated 480,000 severely malnourished children in drought affected Kenya, Somalia Ethiopia, and Djibouti. A further 1,649,000 children are moderately malnourished. All crisis affected persons are at high risk of disease outbreaks including measles, acute watery diarrhoea and pneumonia • Full funding will ensure that vulnerable women and children will: - receive treatment for severe acute malnutrition through provision of Ready- to-Use-Therapeutic Food at community level or at therapeutic feeding centers - gain access to clean water through the repair of pumping stations, digging of boreholes, chlorination of water sources and water trucking - receive vaccines against measles, polio and other deadly diseases - resume education through temporary learning spaces and school-in-a-box kits Find more information here:UNICEF_Humanitarian_Action_Update_-_Horn_of_Africa_crisis_-_8_July_2011

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