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Posts by Melissa 1951 results

TwitART #2

Here we go again! Some gems I've found in my "Twitter-Art-List-Timeline" the last days. Make sure to click on the links, because I only post one picture and often there are way more! Oh, and follow all these people if you have a Twitter, because they are awesome and many of them (like Revok, for example) post so much great stuff that it doesn't all fit into this tiny little blog post! And check out their blogs, subscribe to them etc., you know the deal, it's called SUPPORT!!/TeddyTroops/status/17643970368643072 Cpt.Cracker!/REVOK1/status/16166780296761344 Alex Olsen STEVE OLSON and ALEX OLSON | BOOM BOOM Opening December 18th, 2010 | Runs December 18th, 2010 - January 8th, 2011 Known Gallery 441 North Fairfax Ave Los Angeles, CA 90036!/garybaseman/status/17635513326370816 ...

Zac and Josh Farro: Exit Statement (Updated)


Sorry, the post was deleted earlier today, because I wanted to edit it with my phone (I'm soooo smart...), but accidently deleted it instead (...not). The information I wanted to add is that there were rumours that the blog is fake. Apparently someone "close to the band" said so. Later Kerrang! posted the news that the management of Paramore doesn't want to comment. Then Jenna, Josh's wife, posted this statement on her blog:
I assure you that my blog and joshs blog are real. I'm not sure how I'd prove that? Clearly my blog is real by reading my stories and personal photos that are posted. So, why would I post a fake link to Joshs blog? Furthermore, you wanted an explanation from Josh. Stop complaining about it. You don't have to take sides. It is what it is. The music doesn't change, and that's what fans are here for, right? Paramore is continuing on and maybe someday the Farro's will have more music too.everyone is happier this way and that's the bottom line.
So after a day full of rumours, we finally know that the statement below was really made by none other than the now-even-more-famous Farro brothers! Hallelujah! Can we move on now, please?
This was posted yesterday on Josh's Blog:
Hey guys, ...

Hayley Williams: New Tattoo

Hayley Williams has a new tattoo! It's a black cross on her leg. She says: My faith is the only ...

Kerrang!’s Top 20 albums of 2010

From the return of My Chemical Romance to the continued rise of Bring Me The Horizon, 2010 has thrown up some truly great albums. Here are the 20 that hogged the Kerrang! stereo this year......

SPIN’s Favorite Twitpics of 2010

From Best Coast frontwoman Beth Cosentino's catface to Kanye West's 'baby mama' jet, check out ...

Report: Death Penalty Use and Support Is Dropping

Enthusiasm for the death penalty continued to ebb in the United States during 2010. As Christmas approaches — a season of quiet in America's execution chambers, as death takes a holiday — there have been 46 inmates executed, down from 52 in 2009. That's fewer than half the number put to death in the peak year of 1999, when 98 prisoners walked the last mile. Meanwhile, the number of new death sentences imposed in 2010 remained near the lowest level in 35 years. Statistics collected by the Death Penalty Information Center (DPIC) show that use of the death penalty was down across the country — even in Texas, which has carried out more than a third of all U.S. executions since the modern death penalty was instituted in 1976. Seventeen Texas inmates were executed in 2010, matching the lowest number in a year since 1996, according to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. That's a reduction of nearly 60% compared to the busiest year for the Texas executioner, when 40 inmates were put to death in 2000. Perhaps no statistic better illustrates the decline in the use of the death penalty than the fact that no death sentences — zero — were imposed by Virginia's courts in 2010. The commonwealth is a bastion of capital punishment, second only to Texas in the frequency of executions. Missouri, which ranks fifth in the number of executions in the modern era, also sent no new inmates to death row. Experts offer a number of explanations for the diminished use of the death penalty in the United States. DPIC's annual report, published on Tuesday, (see, points to at least four factors: ...

Special Art Post #5: Willie T.

Name: Willie Toledo Art: Photography/Film WWW: Blog Artist Profile @ Known Gallery Videos on Vimeo Twitter I bet you've expected some graffiti artist! Well, this time it's all about Photography! Willie T.'s "Special Art Post" has been a long time coming! If you are interested in cool events, like Art Basel, the premiere of Banksy's "Exit Through The Gift Shop", or just some private party with cool people, like 50 Cent, you just have to stumble upon Willie T's photos one day. I saw his work for the first time when I was browsing Known Gallery's website and I got really hooked on it, when I saw this picture he made of artist Push: Next to Photography, he's also active in filming. On his vimeo profile he writes:
Filming is something that I'm never thought I was going to be doing, I always thought I would end up with a career that I would in be happy with but filming is were I can express my Art, I feel that every moment I capture someone in front of my lens is a Memory they leave behind.. Someone told me once in my life what kind of legacy do you want people to remember you by! And I was like Wooooo do I have something to leave behind? That was my question to myself and now I do I think I do. I thank God everyday of my life for this chance and opportunity in what I call a Second chance.. So please take a look at my work and feel free to drop me a message or leave me a Comment.
So let's take a look at his work! ...

Paramore’s Last TV Performance With Zac And Josh at Z100’s Jingle Ball

Am I right? This is their last TV performance together, isn't it?