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Posts by Melissa 1951 results

Wary of Egypt Unrest, China Censors Web

China Firewall BEIJING — In another era, China’s leaders might have been content to let discussion of the protests in Egypt float around among private citizens, then fizzle out. But challenges in recent years to authoritarian governments around the globe and violent uprisings in parts of China itself have made Chinese officials increasingly wary of leaving such talk unchecked, especially on the Internet, the medium some officials see as central to fanning the flames of unrest. So the arbiters of speech sprang into action over the weekend. and — two of the nation’s biggest online portals — blocked keyword searches of the word “Egypt,” though the mass protests were being discussed on some Internet chat rooms on Monday. Searching for “Egypt” has also been blocked on Weibo, the Chinese equivalent of Twitter....

Dead Space 2: Space Zombies, Prepare to Meet Your Mower

Is there a place in mass entertainment for dismemberment, dementia, wails of anguish and the ...

Psychiatrist Phillip Resnick on Why Parents Kill Their Own Kids

Julie Powers On Jan. 27, Julie Powers, 50, a mother of two in Tampa, drove her 13-year-old son, Beau, home from soccer practice and allegedly shot him in the head "for talking back" to her. Then she went upstairs and shot Calyx, her 16-year-old daughter dead as she sat at her computer doing her homework, according to an arrest affidavit. At the time, her husband was serving in Qatar as an army colonel. Powers said her kids were "mouthy." But what kind of parent would possibly murder her own children for mouthing off? TIME spoke with Dr. Phillip Resnick, director of forensic psychiatry at Case Western and a leading expert on parents who kill their children. He testified for the defense in the case of Andrea Yates, who was convicted in 2002 of drowning her five children in the bathtub. The murder conviction was later overturned and she was found to be not guilty by reason of insanity — as Resnick had argued. Over the course of his 40-year career, Resnick has worked on 40 to 60 cases involving parents who killed their children. Although he cannot offer a mental diagnosis or legal opinion in the Powers' case, he can discuss the motivations of parents who kill and what we know about them. About 250 to 300 children are murdered by their parents each year. Does this seem to be a typical case of a mother who kills her children? It's aytpical. Younger children are much more likely to be killed than teenagers. ...

Russell Simmons Answers Your Questions

Russell Simmons is a hip-hop impresario, a media mogul and a super generous dude. His second ...

Foo Fighters to release new album in April

Foo Fighters will release their new album on April 11. The as-yet untitled album, their seventh ...

Two Door Cinema Club announce biggest headline shows yet

Two Door Cinema Club have announced details of their biggest headline shows to date. The trio ...

Special Art Post #6: SABER


Name: Saber Genre: Graffiti, Fine Art Dates: Solo Show in Mid May at Opera Gallery (More infos coming when released) Website Blog Twitter Facebook YouTube Channel Known Gallery Artist Page

It's been a long time since I've posted my last "Special Art Post" about Willie T., so I think it's time for another one. I've decided to dedicate #6 to artists SABER, because he's one of the best graffiti artists, he completed the largest graffiti piece on the cement bank of Los Angeles River in 1997 (blood shedding included), he has probably the coolest website, and.... he's cool. Actually this is not really an easy post to do, because SABER has done so many art pieces throughout the years and there's tons of material on the web, including probably more interesting articles about him on bigger sites. So this post is more like a little introduction of SABER and a little summary of what you can find on the web about him. I strongly recommend to click your way though his website, blog and other pages, because there is way more stuff than I can post here. ...

New Board: Untamed Things

If you're a fan of anything undead and supernatural, you should join Untamed Things. It's a cool ...

David Flores ATC: #4-27

Okay, I have to admit, I kind of neglected David Flores_ATC's awesome project. In case you have forgotten already, he wanted to paint one picture every day for the whole year. As his works are pretty awesome, this was really good news and I wanted to post his pictures here every day. Let's just pretend that I did, okay? Here are #4 to #10. You'll find the rest HERE or HERE! Now, instead of posting one pic every day, I just post the pictures here on a weekly basis. If you still want to see them every day, follow David on Twitter or add him on Facebook. 4 5 ...

Korn: New Festival dates announced

Korn, who are currently on their "Music as a weapon" tour in North America, announced new ...
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