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Posts by Melissa 1951 results

Luke Chueh (Old) Interview

LC Sorry for posting old stuff, but Luke Chueh is one of my most favourite artists and I just stumbled upon this great interview from February on dailyDuJour. If you don't know Luke, you should definitely check out his website cause his art work is incredible!
[On the eve of Luke Chueh’s ‘Contemptorary Art’ opening @ Corey Helford, we’re pleased to bring you Amanda Erlanson’s insightful interview with Luke, done as part of the Heroes and Villains project. It’s an excellent read which delves into the complexities of the man behind ‘the bear’.] Amanda Erlanson: You’ve described growing up in Fresno, California as a kind of hell on earth. Tell me a bit about your family and your upbringing. Was there anywhere you could go that served as a refuge from your isolation, fear and confusion? ...

Video: SBTG Feature (via SLAMXHYPE)

Great guy and amazing artist! Buy SBTG Art Production Company: No Average Joe Director: Joe ...

T. Rex Had A Cousin In China!

TREXCOUSIN Researchers have found and named a new dinosaur species closely related to the massive theropod Tyrannosaurus rex. The newly discovered creature, dubbed Zhuchengtyrannus magnus and believed to be one of the largest known carnivorous dinosaurs, was identified based on skull and jaw bones unearthed from an eastern Chinese quarry. A long-lost cousin of prehistory’s most infamous predator, Tyrannosaurus rex, has been found and identified, according to a paper published online on April 1, 2011, in the scientific journal Cretaceous Research. The gargantuan theropod has been dubbed...

Paramore Yard Sale For Japan

The new round of auctions for The Paramore Yard Sale starts today. It includes 30 items directly ...

New Mike Shinoda Painting For Tiny Trifecta: “Overnight”

Mike Shinoda has blogged his contribution to the Tiny Trifecta show in Williamsburg, running from April 9 to May 1:

"Overnight" by Mike Shinoda

More info about the show:
Tiny Trifecta 100 Artists, $100 Tiny Art, on the 100th Day of the Year April 9th to May 1st, 2011 Ladies and gentleman, I present to you the Grand Opening event for the Cotton Candy Machine... the TINY TRIFECTA!! When thinking of what to do for the first exhibition, I wanted it to be something magical, shiny and glorious, and what better way to make magic happen than to get 100 of my favorite artists together for a fun show!...

Blog Recommendation: The Good, the Bad, and the Heidi

Entrepreneuse, Food Connaisseuse, model, and aspiring artist, Heidi Woan blogs about the trials ...

Landed in London! (via Indigo’s Adventures)

I'm here, not too jet lagged yet but I think it'll catch up with me eventually.  ...