Art Show: STREET ART – Meanwhile in deepest east anglia, thunderbirds were go…

I couldn't believe my luck when I found out yesterday that there'll be a Street Art exhibition very close to my hometown with contributing artists Ash, Herbert Baglione, Boxi, Brad Downey, Ben Eine, Faith47, Boris Hoppek, Mark Jenkins, JR, Os Gêmeos, Mirko Reisser (DAIM), Swoon, and Zezão! Also, in case you don't know, the Von-der-Heydt Kunsthalle is one of the biggest art museums in this area. Here is some more information:...
Game Review: Mortal Kombat

The Mortal Kombat franchise has withstood the test of time. One of the few fighting franchises that decided to stick through the lull in the genre during the early 21st century, the Mortal Kombat series has gone through a reboot for the next generations of systems with moderate results.
The thing about this installment is that it seems to be a game for the fans. All the characters for Mortal Kombat I, II and III are in the game, with a few extra surprises to be thrown in. Fan favorites such as Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Johnny Cage, Jax and Kung Lao return.
The character selection is massive, with more downloadable characters soon on the horizon. With all but two of the characters unlocked from the start, there is not one overbalanced character that will be spammed by everyone online....
2 Artists, 2 Coasts, Both in Jail for Graffiti

Left, LA II, right, Revok. (images via &
As LA’s MOCA tries to give graffiti and street art their moment in the Southern California sun, in New York
LA II, aka Angel Ortiz, and in Los Angeles,
Revok, aka Jason Williams, are in jail for doing the art they love.
While LA II, who is best known as a collaborator of Keith Haring, has quietly languished at Riker’s Island prison, Revok’s arrest and subsequent sentencing has been accompanied by a vocal outcry from his comrades and fans, including Shepard Fairey, who
issued a poster last week to raise money for his legal defense fund.
The debate about graffiti and street art and its role in a democratic and free society is sure to rage on as the artists associated with the art form continue to make waves by openly challenging vandalism laws. The whole phenomenon is strangely reminiscent of the emergence of hip hop in the 1980s and 90s, when artists (and their handlers) often parlayed criminal charges into more publicity and fame for the artist.
The largest question is do artists have — or should they have — a right to create art on public property or the property of others.
The Twitterverse has been very vocal about its anger regarding Revok’s arrest.
Lollapalooza 2011 Lineup
Great Lineup! So many great bands! My favourites are Eminem, Muse, Foo Fighters, White Lies, Two ...
Sony PlayStation Network Shut Down ‘Indefinitely’ Following Attack

Sony's PlayStation Network,
plagued by problems for days, is being shut down indefinitely, according to the
Wall Street Journal.
tweeted a link to a blog post updating users on the situation.
"I know you are waiting for additional information on when PlayStation Network and Qriocity services will be online. Unfortunately, I don’t have an update or timeframe to share at this point in time,"
wrote Patrick Seybold, Sony's senior director of corporate communications and social media. "As we previously noted, this is a time intensive process and we’re working to get them back online quickly. We’ll keep you updated with information as it becomes available. We once again thank you for your patience."
5 Ways to Find Your Next Favorite Band

People who are interested in new music beyond their old, time-worn favorites or the standardized mix of oldies and chart-toppers found on the FM dial have probably tried Pandora,, and YouTube by now. Those are indispensable tools for any music fan these days, but they're not the only games in town, when it comes to pleasing your ears with new sounds.
Check out these five ways to discover music, listed in alphabetical order. Some are brand new, while others have been hiding in plain sight all along.