Fan Review: Linkin Park Project Revolution in Leipzig + M&G
Concert Review Linkin Park Project Revolution
Festwiese, Leipzig + M&G on
June 18, 2011
By LPfan1989
Arriving at the Venue
At 11 am I made my way to Leipzig and the drive was so uneventful and relaxed that we arrived at the venue at 2.30pm already.
My buddy and me, who was also my official assistant, because I'm sitting in a wheelchair, had a little break first, but then went to the entrance. First we went to the wrong one, which was closed (we weren't the only ones doing this), so we had to walk back again to the other entrance.
After it started to rain so hard that we had to find shelter first, we asked the staff at the box office for information on the M&G and wheelchair space. They told me some totally wrong information, saying that the meeting place for the M&G was the box office, when we found out later that it was the bell tower.
When we went through the entrance our stuff was examined by the staff there and they took two water bottles (from four) and my snap light sticks, and I had to open the mailing tube that contained my poster cause I could've hidden anything in there.
The rest of the review, pictures, videos and live tweets after the click >>> ...
News article about Linkin Parks Show in Leipzig (German)

Linkin Park in Leipzig
Here is a news article about Linkin Park's show in Leipzig, Germany from a German magazine. For non-German speakers I recommend Google translate. ;-D Also stay tuned for an exclusive fan review written by LPfan1989. This one will be in English!!! :-D
I'm also still looking for fanmade pictures of the show yesterday, so if you've been there and you have some shots that you want to share with my blog readers, please contact me by commenting here or send me a tweet, email, facebook message etc.(see "Contact me" on sidebar).
So here's the article:
Grenzgänger zwischen Elektronik und Rock: Linkin Park spielen auf der Festwiese
Leipzig. Sie sind bekannt für spektakuläre Live-Auftritte und gelten als eine der populärsten Rock-Bands des letzten Jahrzehnts. Am Sonnabend gastierten Linkin Park vor 40.000 Zuschauern auf der Leipziger Festwiese. Das kürzlich veröffentlichte Studioalbum „A Thousand Suns“ gibt der aktuellen Tour ihren Namen. LVZ-Online traf einige Fans vor dem Konzert....
How the Casey Anthony Murder Case Became the Social-Media Trial of the Century

Like many other popular attractions in Orlando, the Casey Anthony trial requires tickets. Hundreds of people show up each day to watch the murder case unfold. But only those who arrive well before 8 a.m. and wait in June swelter can get a pass allowing them into the soaring, chilly top-floor courtroom where Anthony is trying to avoid the death penalty.
Anthony is accused of murdering her 2-year-old, Caylee, in 2008. In December of that year, investigators found parts of the girl's duct-taped corpse near Anthony's parents' home. Bugs and vegetation had colonized the remains, which had been dumped roughly six months earlier. The sheer horror at the act — and the idea that a mother committed it — catapulted the case from local live-at-5 sideshow to tabloid sensation ("Monster mom partying four days after tot died," one recent report said) to national preoccupation. The case is being followed by millions on live-stream video feeds and constant cable-news reports. In the past few days, the Washington Post and the Miami Herald have become the latest major outlets to begin offering live streams of the case. CNN and NBC air so much coverage of the trial that the networks each decided to erect a two-story, air-conditioned structure in a lot across from the courthouse. The broadcast village around the court often grows to hundreds of media vehicles. (See TIME's photo-essay "Moms Who Kill.")
And yet they are relative latecomers to what is the first major murder trial of the social-media age. The first public mention of the case appeared on MySpace on July 3, 2008, when Cindy Anthony, Casey's mother, posted a distraught message saying her daughter had stolen "lots of money" and wasn't allowing her to see her granddaughter. (A few days later, Cindy called 911 to report a "possible missing child.")...