year : 2012 478 results

Vote for the best European dancing squad!

Euroleague runs a contest about the best cheerleaders of the 2011-2012 season! The voting is up now ...

“The Arab Spring Is Coming to China.”

HONG KONG — The former Republican presidential nominee, Senator John McCain, told one of ...

Great Article: Deconstructing Lana Del Rey

I just found this article on about Lana Del Rey and the endless discussions about her authenticity. Make sure to read the whole article. because this is so true!
Everyone has something to say about the year's most divisive new artist. But separating myth from fact means untangling a knot that also happens to encapsulate the weird state of pop stardom in 2012. I. The Origin Story: A Star Is Born/Made The myth, as it is presently understood: Lana Del Rey is an extended vanity project bankrolled by her dad's money and honed, over the years, by a series of lawyers and managers who have shaped her image and plotted her career path. She is merely a canvas of a girl, and a willing one at that. Bloggers and journalists take pains to note that her real name is Lizzy Grant, that Lana Del Rey is "fake," as are her lips. ("Lizzy Grant" sounds like a Disney tween star; it's easy to see why she changed it. Certainly no one was this incensed to discover that "Lady Gaga" is not printed on a certain singer's birth certificate.) ...

Lana Del Rey – Video Games @ Letterman After the Saturday Night Live desaster, Lana Del Rey ...

This is really great!

It’s good to have some fantasy sometimes…

Haha, so people in Europe are wondering what to wear, because the Russian winter came over us. ...

The 99 Most Desirable Women Of 2012

Aww, I'm not in the list! What the hell, they must've made a mistake while counting the votes!


MERRY KARNOWSKY GALLERY 170 S. La Brea Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90036 323.933.4408

Albums To-Be-Released Within The Year

Music never stops and artists become more and more productive lately. So here's a list with the ...

Madonna returns!

The "Queen Of Pop" is back after a 5-year break with a brand new album, entitled "MDNA" which is ...