year : 2012 478 results

Video: Evanescence Live at Rock in Rio Full Show

Evanescence were really good at Rock in Rio. They played a nice set of their older songs and new ones from their latest album "Evanescence" (which is great by the way). Amy was vocally great, but somehow the crowd wasn't really that energetic. Maybe it just wasn't transported well in the video, but when you compare it to the 83,000 people who attended Linkin Park's performance at Rock in Rio, this looks really lame. Watch Evanescence's full show after the jump! ...

Video: Linkin Park Live at Rock in Rio Full Show (HQ)

Photo: Linkin Park

Video after the jump -> ...

Linkin Park Debut New Track … And Want Fansite To Leak It

Zane Lowe with the Linkin Park fans that found the final clue in the Linkin Park Scavenger Hunt | Photo: LPAssociation

Yesterday, Linkin Park have ended their Scavenger Hunt, which took the fans all around the world with little clues and riddles hidden in Sydney, Tokyo, Toronto, Chicago, Rio, LA, Berlin and London (read more here). The final clue was a password protected pen drive containing a brand new Linkin Park song - the problem was that the pen drive would automatically erase itself when the wrong password was typed in! The fans were told to get the password in the BBC studios in London during the Zane Lowe show. The track "LIES GREED MISERY" was premiered live on air with the fans present in the studio and Mike Shinoda from Linkin Park calling in to congratulate them. One of the fans getting the last clue was Joe, who is co-running one of Linkin Park's most popular fanpages, the LPAssociation. As a special reward, Mike Shinoda told Joe to personalize the filename of the LIES GREED MISERY mp3 on the pendrive and leak the song! You can now exclusively and legally download "LIES GREED MISERY" on LPAssociation!...

I must admit that I’m a bit sad about the hunt ending. It was fun to discuss all the clues in the ...

Fan Review: Linkin Park at the House of Blues in Los Angeles Part II By Irene

Music For Relief and Power the World present Linkin Park at the House of Blues in West Hollywood

By: Irene Krygowski (LPU: Irene_K, twitter: @irenekrygowski) I was one of the lucky LPU members that were able to score tickets to their sold out concert at House of Blues in West Hollywood, California on Friday May 18, 2012. The concert was announced on April 29, 2012 (which was just 2 days after my birthday) and the tickets were to be sold the next day on Monday April 30. Being announced shortly after my birthday I decided that I had to go to the show no matter what it took! The capacity of the venue is around 1200 people and tickets to the show were in high demand and sold out in minutes! The show was definitely the best show that I have ever been to and let's cross our fingers that they do another LPU exclusive concert sometime in the near future! Before the show, Chester and Mike arrived to unveil the 2012 Linkin Park designed Honda Civic and Motorcycle that will be raffled off throughout the Honda Civic Tour and awarded to one lucky winner at the end when the tour ends in September. Both the car and bike are designed beautifully with a  hybrid of black, orange, and white with Linkin Park’s logo and I was there along with the press to get a prime view as press took photos. ...

Linkin Park – Burn it Down Behind The Scenes Watch it while you can, cause I have no ...

L.A. Street Art Gallery: Interview With Estria

The L.A. Street Art Gallery published their great interview with legendary artist Estria Miyashiro ...

Short Story Contest: The winner is….

"Hero" by Alison Bour! Alison won the voting with 56%, Jeremie Guy's "The French Quarter" came in ...

New TV Shows and Season Premieres: Teasers and Trailers

Like many of you, I'm a huge fan of TV shows. My favourite ones are Once upon a time, Grimm, The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, Falling Skies, True Blood, The Big C & Good Wife, but there are also some cool new shows in the works. Here are a few teasers/trailers from new TV shows, as well as trailers from the new seasons of True Blood and Falling Skies.

Arrow (CW)

The tone of the series reminds me a bit of "Dark Angel" with Jessica Alba. The dude is not really my type, but that body is damn hot! XD
The CW are backing a harder, grittier, more believable superhero with their new Green Arrow-inspired Arrow series. If the first footage is anything to go by then they might be on their way to ticking all of those boxes. Arrow will air this fall on Wednesdays at 8/7c on the CW
Originally posted: ...

Fan Review: Linkin Park at the House of Blues in Los Angeles, CA

“The Official Review”: LPU @ HOB 5/18/12

By Dayna Brisco Last night marked the opening show for the first leg of Linkin Park’s upcoming tour cycle. The event took place at the House of Blues in West Hollywood, CA on Friday May 18, 2012. Less than 2,000 lucky LPU members, friends, and fans of the band attended the exclusive performance. A small group of dedicated fans (including myself) showed up fairly early at the venue. Our goals set on getting a close spot on the floor, and a chance to finally meet our estranged LPU family members for the first time in the flesh....